
Internal Fixation for the Distal Radius

by David L. Nelson, MD

(last updated 1/28/06; data last updated 2/4/02)
A very large number of plates have come onto the market in the last year and we are in the process of trying to get images and cases of each new plate.
This page will attempt to be a complete listing of all internal fixation devices available worldwide for distal radius fracture management. It is our goal to have a large library of images. This library will have not only images of the hardware, but illustritive cases and surgical technique guides. The name of the product is a hyperlink to an illustration of the device, the name of the company is a hyperlink to their website, at the location of their internal fixation device.
If you are a surgeon or orthopedic manufacturer and know of a device that we have not listed, please contact the Webmaster.
Internal Fixation Plates
  Company Product Name  Features  Limitations  Weight  Price
 Alphatec Manufacturing Small T Plate Titanium plate      

SCS Plate


The original "second generation" plate, with prongs that support the subchondral bone All of the subchondral support peg holes must be drilled prior to plate placement    

SCS Plate


Like the dorsal plate, for volar applications      


Colles Fracture Plate
 DePuy/Ace Symmetry Plate A nice plate designed by Rene Esser, very low profile No subchondral support, which is not a limitation if it is not required    
Hand Innovations Distal Radial Volar Plate

Original adjustable volar plate


 KMI  Cobra Plate        
Leibinger Distal Radius Plate Titanium plate with very low profile      
Synthes T-plate Industry-standard first generation stainless steel plate  No subchondral support, which is not a limitation if it is not required    
Synthes Pi Plate Another "second generation" plate, allows placement of either pegs or screws in a subchondral support placement location, does not require placement of all pegs or screws First generation of plates sold were of commercially pure titanium and were subject to occasional fracture; now also available in stainless steel    
  Zimmer   Forte Plate        
Other Internal Fixation Devices

Bionx Implants

Smart Screw
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